
  1. M

    When will ChatGPT 5 be available? What is known about OpenAI's next chatbot

    The company's goal of imitating human intellect includes its most sophisticated chatbot. Recent initiatives by OpenAI are generating talk about the release of GPT-5, a more powerful brain for its well-liked ChatGPT AI chatbot. This technology contributes to OpenAI's ambitious future goal of...
  2. L

    What to expect from Gpt-5? The next big thing? Or a disaster?

    Hi there, I'm new here and I like this place. I'm a huge fan and also a big skeptic of upcoming GPT-5. I've been following their progress and yes I'm super excited about their upcoming GPT-5 model. It's going to be awesome! But I also think it might be a disaster. According to OpenAI's blog...